ICAN will re-open on Friday 17th September 2021 at St Andrew's Church Hall, Britannia Road, Ipswich IP4 5HH from 10.00 - 1200 noon.
Our main priority is to keep everyone safe while meeting up with friends.
The following precautions will apply:-
1. Hand sanitizer and bacterial wipes will be available on entry and at the tables.
2. Only one person at the counter for tea/coffee at a time.
3. Keith will serve the tea and coffee from behind the counter.
4. Do not go behind the counter to help yourselves.
5. Per-packed biscuits will be served.
6. Masks are advised to be worn while moving around the room (unless exempt).
7. Raffle prizes will be wiped with bacterial wipes.
8. Please bring correct money for raffle tickets and any donations (if possible).
9. All money collected will be left in a bag for 72 hours before being counted.
10. There will be no speakers until the New Year.
The committee look forward to welcoming old and new members alike.
See you soon.
If you have any concerns please phone either :-
Pat on 01473 689788
Keith on 01473 415585