Where do we meet?
Meet at St John's Church, Cauldwell Hall Rd, Ipswich IP4 4QE.
What time?
10 am in the church car park. You may park your cars in the church car park while on the trip.
What is the itinerary?
We will journey to Snape where we will have tea/coffee and look around the shops. Then we will go to Dunwich where we will have a fish and chip lunch. After this we will visit Southwold and walk along the prom. The coach will return to Ipswich at approximately 5pm.
How much does this cost?
The coach is free for members, non members can come at a cost of £5 per person. You will need to purchase your own fish and chips and refreshments.
Are there any spaces left on the coach?
There are spaces at the moment. If you would like to come please contact Pat on 01473 689788 or Keith on 01473 415585.
Weather forecast for Wednesday is hot so pack your sunscreen, sun hats and swim suits!!!
See you there.